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“You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens are above the earth. For if you will be careful to do all this commandment that I command you to do, loving the Lord your God, walking in all his ways, and holding fast to him, ...
"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." These passages illustrate biblical principles of freedom and emancipation, emphasizing deliverance from physical and spiritual bondage.
"Woe to you, scribes [religious leaders] and Pharisees [lawyers], hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anis and cummin [to the false god of government with your attorney licenses and "privileged" tax exemptions, neither of which any positive law requires], and have neglected the weightier [most important] matters of the law, God's Law: justice and mercy and faith [in God, and Truth. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone."
Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure unearned money or "benefits", privileges, or franchises, from the government that war in your members and your democratic governments?
You lust after other people's money and do not have. You murder the unborn to increase your standard of living and covet the unearned and cannot obtain except by empowering your government to STEAL for you!
Yet you do not have because you do not ask the Lord but instead ask the deceitful government. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
For among My God's people are found wicked, covetous public servant men; They lie in wait as one who sets snares; They set a trap; They catch men. As a cage is full of birds, So their houses are full of deceit. Therefore, they have become great and grown rich. They have grown fat, they are sleek; Yes, they surpass the deeds of the wicked; They do not plead the cause, The cause of the fatherless or the innocent, widows, or the nontaxpayer; Yet they prosper.
And the right of the needy they do not defend. Shall I not punish them for these things?' says the Lord. 'Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?'
"An astonishing and horrible thing Has been committed in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests, judges in franchise courts that worship government as a pagan deity rule by their own power.And My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?
Woe to the rebellious children,” says the LORD, “Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin; Now go, write it before them on a tablet, And note it on a scroll, That it may be for time to come, Forever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, Lying children, Children who will not hear the law of the LORD;
Who say to the seers, “Do not see,” And to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us right things; Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits. Get out of the way, Turn aside from the path, Cause the Holy One of Israel To cease from before us.
“The Lord is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He will exalt the law and make it honorable. But his people are robbed and plundered! All of them are snared in [legal] holes [by the sophistry of greedy government lawyers], and they are hidden in prison houses; they are for prey, and no one delivers; for plunder, and no one says, “Restore!”. Who among you will give ear to this? Who will listen and hear for the time to come? Who gave Jacob for plunder, and Israel to the robbers? Was it not the Lord, He against whom we have sinned? For they would not walk in His ways, nor were they obedient to His law, therefore He has poured on him the fury of His anger and the strength of battle; it has set him on fire all around, yet he did not know; and it burned him, yet he did not take it to heart.”
Whenever you receive a presentment of any kind, from a traffic ticket to a bill to a summons or indictment, there are two basic and diametrically opposite ways to think about the matter. I.e., you can think of receiving a presentment as an event that:
1. Will cost you, be a loss to you;
2. Is a gift that can enrich you.
Everything in life is a matter of perception. Our challenges are usually the result of ignoring what we are confronted with rather than endeavoring to discern how best to act with more adequate knowledge and understanding. We assume rather than know. Consequently, if we would have any chance of succeeding vis-à-vis a presentment, we must first have some understanding of the system within which the issuance, interpretation, and enforcement of presentments occur.
The following mini analysis of the legal system may be helpful in this regard. “The Superior Man goes only into his own domain.” As Frederic Bastiat said in a similar vein, “Minding one’s own business is the only moral law.”
The conundrum, of course, is how-to live-in peace and freedom in a world in which we are besieged by exercises of the interminable, relentless, longstanding, and incredibly brilliant schemes of rulership, slavery, and exploitation that have plagued mankind throughout history and that aggressively intrude themselves unilaterally into all areas of our lives—spiritual, emotional, mental, social, and economic.
This renders living in a “live-and-let-live” manner on this planet difficult, and impossible without sufficient knowledge. The fact that law consists of rules revolving around the use of deadly force is a powerful incentive to become as clear as possible concerning the nature of the legal/commercial system governing the world.
We must remember that “To ‘assume’ makes an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me.’” In the case of law, acting on false knowledge, i.e., in ignorance, can be fatal. This is enormously complicated by the fact that the legal system is “colorable,” i.e., “phony.” It may appear real, but nothing is as it appears, just as in Alice in Wonderland.
To assume that the appearance is genuine and dependable is to act on illusion instead of truth. One cannot have peace with those who hold aggression in their hearts and are not interested in love, freedom, harmony, truth, or any of the other higher values of man that most people revere and would cherish seeing established in the community of man.
Alice in Wonderland was written as a satire on the legal system, where things are an ever-changing mirage, and nothing is as it appears. The state of the heart is what counts in this equation. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Good people are disarmed in advance by an inability to comprehend the mentality of deliberate Law-Redemption predators, usually regarding problems in dealing with such aggressors as misunderstandings that can be cleared up through sufficient communication.
It is often not easy for good people to understand that there are those who know the difference between “good” and “evil” and deliberately choose the latter. The significance of this in law is profound. If your adversary is sincere, truthful, fair, and honorable about what he is doing, i.e. interested in uncovering and dealing justly with the truth, then you are probably operating on parallel tracks. In such case the discord or conflict is the result of misunderstanding or lack of communication and disappears when both sides realize what is happening.
If, however, your adversary is operating from a covert stance with deliberate deceit, concealment, misrepresentation, bad faith, and aggression in his heart, the dispute is real, will not be resolved amicably, and requires exposure of the facts to the light of day by providing sufficient evidence. Further significance of the importance of subjective condition and intent of the heart is that all law is contract, and the essence and core of any contract is agreement. Without a genuine agreement, consisting of a true meeting of the minds and mutual understanding by all parties of all terms and conditions to which the parties are agreeing, there is no contract.
Good people are disarmed in advance by an inability to comprehend the mentality of deliberate LAW Predators, usually regarding problems in dealing with such aggressors as misunderstandings that can be cleared up through sufficient communication. It is often not easy for good people to understand that there are those who know the difference between “good” and “evil” and deliberately choose the latter.
The significance of this in law is profound. If your adversary is sincere, truthful, fair, and honorable about what he is doing, i.e. interested in uncovering and dealing justly with the truth, then you are probably operating on parallel tracks. In such case the discord or conflict is the result of misunderstanding or lack of communication and disappears when both sides realize what is happening.
If, however, your adversary is operating from a covert stance with deliberate deceit, concealment, misrepresentation, bad faith, and aggression in his heart, the dispute is real, will not be resolved amicably, and requires exposure of the facts to the light of day by providing sufficient evidence. Further significance of the importance of subjective condition and intent of the heart is that all law is contract, and the essence and core of any contract is agreement. Without a genuine agreement, consisting of a true meeting of the minds and mutual understanding by all parties of all terms and conditions to which the parties are agreeing, there is no contract.
Derivatives and the Nature of the Legal System, The Powers-That-Be turn everything into a tool and a weapon to be used in their unceasing attempt to triumph by playing win/lose games against their fellow man. One of the most powerful, magical, and difficult to detect tools and weapons used against mankind by aggressors and exploiters is language. Allegedly the word “phonetics” derives from “phoenetics,” purportedly stemming from the Phoenicians, who gave us “lan-goo-ag,” a word referencing a substance that, when fired from the canon of a ship, tore the sails and mast and left the opponent “dead in the water.”
Obviously, words are extremely powerful weapons, and using them for conquest and rulership purposes is what the legal system is about. Ideas concerning the nature and use of language in law are set forth, inter alia, in a discourse entitled Legal Fictions, by Lon L. Fuller, 1967, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California:
In the case of law, acting on false knowledge, i.e., in ignorance, can be fatal. This is enormously complicated by the fact that the legal system is “colorable,” i.e., “phony.” It may appear real, but nothing is as it appears, just as in Alice in Wonderland.
For certainly it is a truth commonly overlooked that the fiction is “a disease or affection of language." Ihering expresses in this fashion the exaggerated respect shown by early law for the written and spoken word. "Among all primitive peoples the word appears as something mysterious; a naive faith ascribes to the word a supernatural Power" (II2,441). Anyone who has thought about the legal fiction must be aware that it presents an illustration of the all-pervading power of the word. That a statement which is disbelieved by both its author and his audience can have any significance at all is evidence enough that we are here in contact with the mysterious influence exercised by names and symbols. In that sense the fiction is a linguistic phenomenon.
1.Everyone is a free-will, sovereign being responsible for his or her own acts, thereby enabling law to exist at all. Without this presumption, no one could be held accountable for anything, and no basis would exist for any rules or rectitude.
2. The system always wins and the people always lose.
3. The system can change the law, invent new laws, and alter interpretations of law and words at will (since it is all presumed to be their property).
4. Those in the system are not under any compulsion to reveal the presumptions on the basis of which they function.
It is impossible to play a game when one does not know the rules. If playing a game with those who not only know the rules thoroughly, but have carte blanche to change them at will, when one does not know what is going on, the result is a slaughter. It belies the quotation found in a law review:
We hear of tyrants, and the cruel ones: But whatever we may have felt, we have never heard of any tyrant in such sort cruel, as to punish men for disobedience to laws or order which he had kept them from the knowledge. Harvard Law Review, Volume 48, 1934-1935, p. 198.
Our challenges when dealing with the system include the following:
1. The law is unlimited, and no one can know it all.
2. Law is always changing, so that at any point, something that previously was legal, recognized, and upheld might no longer be so.
3. The system does not belong to us, and changes perpetually without notice by those who own it.
4. There are an infinite number of ways to interpret any event and essentially any law (as those with experience in court can attest).
5. It is impossible to be assured that we know all the undisclosed presumptions on the basis of which law functions.
6. The Powers-That-Be study and exploit every aspect of man’s nature, good and bad, with malevolent intent.
Perhaps what they do, and the way they subjectively feel about what they are doing, is regarded by them as legitimate—or even worthy—or, even more, divinely mandated. In any case, when governed by this win/lose mentality the world becomes a nightmare.
The dominating climate is not one of “live and let live,” peaceful and honorable intent, and harmony between people, but a perpetual war zone involving the need to live under a legalized-violence system that acts in accordance with the mentality that “the end (their self-aggrandizement and power) justifies the means (nothing is not permitted).”
This foundational presumption may be the only presumption underlying the entire legal system that is existentially and ethically valid. The rest are fictions and frauds used for nefarious purposes.
The following are some practical ideas concerning actualizing effective strategy:
1. The most important thing is knowledge and understanding of what is happening. Therefore, the first priority is: Get Educated. There is no substitute for this, especially in the climate in which we now live. In the celebrated words of Thomas Jefferson, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never can be.” First and foremost, getting educated requires knowing yourself, who and what you are, and becoming clear, confident, and established in yourself, your real being.
2. The nature of the times is escalating the timeless imperative to make one’s spiritual life paramount. Increasingly the state of the world is communicating the message that the only way “out” is “in.” Living in accordance with the understanding that cultivating and realizing our inner being, i.e., spiritual awakening and realization, is more important, enduring, and conducive to providing us with the happiness, peace, and fulfillment that alone will satisfy the heart and soul than anything we can see, do, experience, or have in the outside world.
We all have two wars to win and opponents with which to deal:
1) ourselves (i.e., obtaining self-mastery) and
2) a hostile, deceitful, and treacherous world. If we do not win the internal battle and become clear about what we are and how/why we want to live, relate to others, and deal with the system, we have no hope of winning in encounters with the ruthless aggression to which we are relentlessly subjected.
3. In the absence of self-realization, we live at the expense of life. We expend time, effort, and energy attempting to acquire things in the outside world the essence and origin of which we do not possess in our own being and consciousness. In such case we “lose the roots and cling to the tree-tops,” where our platform of operation is ungrounded and ephemeral.
4. Live to be free of blame, where blame is defined as blocking someone’s way without just ethical cause. As it is said, “For blocking no one’s way, no one blames him.” If you do not interfere in people’s lives you will not incur the repercussions for doing so, thereby immunizing yourself from having to deal with the entangling and undesirable consequences of your actions.
5. Stay in your own domain. If you do not traverse into your adversary’s turf you do not create a nexus between you and them that allows the system to engulf you. Accomplishing this includes becoming clear about the nature of private and public and when/how you are acting in which domain. If you leave your ground of substance, reality, and sovereignty and go into their domain of illusion, treachery, and deceit, your Law-Redemption In a Court situation will become hopeless. By so doing you abandon a position where you have clout and they have none, in favor of going into a realm where they have all the power, and you have none. The public side is their game and property, not yours, so you have no standing, rights, and power there. Your body is real and came first into the world before any fictitious version of your given, private name, or any birth certificate or other document, could be derived by the system to use for its betterment and your detriment.
6. Be careful never to reach a point where you think you know enough or you “have it all figured out.” As soon as you think you have it, you’ve had it.
7. Understand as much of the law and the practice thereof as possible in terms of universal principles that transcend and are more fundamental than the system’s concoctions. Man’s law is a subset of and derives from principles that are more fundamental than, and endure beyond, all human imaginings. The further removed from universal principles we are, the more unstable and unreliable is our position. The observation of Emerson is apt:.
The official power to make legal decisions and judgements, over a person, a citizen, an individual a human, and a corporation.
The Government does not have any Jurisdiction over the LS, the living man or the living woman of flesh and blood.
Implies something is in accordance with the law and general principles of law including fairness and justice.
Legal actions focusing on formal Acts and Statutes of Government under the color of law.
What is Color of Law? It is the deprivation of rights under the color of law . Color of Law is a federal criminal offense which occurs when any person, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person on any SA territory or possession to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the South Africa , or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens. When two or more persons conspire to prevent the exercise of constitutional rights, or to punish an individual for having exercised them, it is deemed a conspiracy against rights.
A few concrete examples of derivatives with respect to the legal system are as follows:
a. The system invents and uses contrived (derived) names, such as a host of variations of one’s all-caps name, all of which are legal fictions and each of which is a different entity, instead of one’s full appellation consisting of all lower-case, or upper- and lower-case, letters (symbolizing the real being). Therefore, whenever one receives a presentment, such as a summons or complaint, the document is not addressed, and does not pertain, to you, but to a legal entity, ens legis, that is some bastardization of your name in all-capital letters.
In this manner the system is freed from the requirement to deal with actual facts and real beings and can operate on presumptions, unsupported allegations, nonexistent debts, stipulations in contractual interactions between legal fictions, and endless concoctions of the mind.
b. New case numbers are often created from the same case, such as by changing numbers or letters in the case, thereby enabling matters that you might submit in the original case, as well as any prior derivatives thereof, from needing to be addressed since they do not pertain to what you thought they did. It is also likely that the system uses each newly derived case to make yet more money. c. Laws and administrative agencies multiply endlessly, with each new derivative used to make more money for those in the system while increasing the scope and severity of their power, and increasingly difficult to comprehend or counter.
In the 2002 Berkshire Hathaway (the company of Warren E. Buffet) annual report, on pages 13-15, appear the following words: “We view them [derivatives] as time bombs both for the parties that deal in them and the economic system….In our view…derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.”
If those in the system can create endless new derivatives out of all most anything, at any time, and use them for exploitation, enslavement, and moneymaking at the expense of those who are victimized by the monopolistic use of power under color or law, Warren Buffet’s statement is self-evident. Further, those who act in this way may be regarded as terrorists using weapons of mass destruction. They are raping and pillaging with ever-increasing profligacy and blatancy. One can download the entire Berkshire Hathaway annual report in an Adobe Acrobat pdf format by going to
By means of undisclosed presumptions the Elite have structured a scheme that is full of catch-22’s so that if we do not act, we lose and if we do act, we lose. It is in the presumptions — not the “law” and the “facts”—where the power lies. The designers and owners of the system concocted it for the purpose of bettering themselves vis-à-vis others. The result is a monstrous beast of cosmic proportions, a ravenous and insatiable Moloch, that is an expression of a single—and simple— ethical choice, which is whether one chooses to play win/win games or win/lose games when interacting with others.
The features of these two kinds of games are summarized as follows: 1. A win/win interaction is an expression of peace, dignity, love, unity-harmony, mutual good faith, absence of malice, deceit, and presence of all of the other elements of contract law required to formulate a genuine contract. Free consent of all parties is essential.
2. A win/lose interaction is an expression of separation, conflict, and disharmony, and never results in the contract the “winner” claims exists.
In actuality, a “win/lose” interaction is non-existent, since even the “winner” loses. Such an apparent victor causes harm to others, creation, and himself. He may think he wins, but in accordance with the inexorable laws of existence he “reaps what he sows,” incurs the corresponding karma (action/reaction or cause/effect act and their exact consequences) by harmful acts. The “Golden Rule” in existential terms might be expressed: “One who harms others harms himself,” or
“That which one does unto others else shall be done unto him.” “He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.” A win/lose interaction in terms of nature is called the food chain—“law of the jungle,” “dog eat dog.” This characterizes law and governments today, in which is called the “law of necessity.” The law of necessity is actually no law (law is suspended to deal with the “emergency,” which the government itself causes to use as an excuse to abolish rights and increase its own discretionary power—witness the host of laws being passed these days, such as the “Patriot Acts”). In win/lose games there is no morality, nor ethics, and only one rule: just eat, baby. Anything goes, since “the end (increased power and commercial enrichment of the perpetrators) justifies the means.” As a result, no win/lose interaction results in a valid contract enforceable at law. The involvement does not contain even one of the essential ingredients (all of which must exist in the interaction) of contract law to form a genuine contract.
1. Language has power and magic because of man’s ego-conscious state.
2. The Powers-That-Be deliberately utilize language and man’s ego-conscious condition for administering power and exploitation. The entire legal system is a word game, played by the designers and operators of the system for purposes of power, plunder, exploitation, and enslavement, with unending exercises of destructive physical force applied against living beings on the basis of meanings artificially imparted to the words used.
3. Mistaking the different meta-levels of existence itself, i.e., mistaking the map for the territory, is not only delusion, but when it comes to law, it is disaster. “Authority” for using deadly legalized violence against one’s person is attached to the results of the error.
4. Our difficulties often arise from our acting in a manner that results in people enforcing the fictions and frauds by systematic and ruthless application of legalized violence, damaging the real us. Then whatever is happening in the system becomes substantive in our physical lives.
5. Everything in existence can be viewed, perceived, and thought about in an infinite number of ways, by an infinite number of beings, for an infinite number of possible reasons. Not only are no two of any of those things the same but could not be identical even if anyone so wished. Concepts (maps) can be fixed; creation (the territory) cannot.
6. It is impossible in the ever-changing realm of creation for any subset thereof, such as a man, even remotely to fathom, comprehend, and know (let alone verbalize) “the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” We might define “Truth” (capital “T”) as the actual way things are, i.e., the “thing in itself,” to use Kant’s term, or in their “suchness,” to use a Buddhist characterization. This totality and actuality is not finitely knowable, both because of its unimaginable vastness and because no two split instants are ever the same. The same word designated as “truth” (lower-case “t”) might be defined as an accurate abstract mapping of some thing or event, such as if one is given a map that allegedly shows where a treasure is buried and digs at the spot indicated, he will either find, or not find, the treasure. If it is found, we say the map is “accurate” and the author thereof told the “truth.” If the treasure is not found, we say that the map was false or inaccurate and the author was either in error or lied (or someone removed the treasure subsequent to the making of the map).
7. On its face, a presentment is a demand either to pay something, engage in specific performance (such as coming to court and answering a summons and complaint), or both. It is important to understand that all presentments issued by/within the colorable legal/commercial system today are expressions of the Wizard’s light show.
That show appears dazzling, and is often terrifying, but is in actuality an insubstantial chimera. It becomes concrete only when we treat it in a manner that, by the rules of the game, authorizes its being enforced against us in physical reality.
Someone provides you with a presentment because he expects to make money off of you by doing so. The point of this discourse is to elucidate how we can act concerning what has heretofore been damaging to us because of our ignorance and proceed in a manner that can turn the tables to enable us to use the same system and its rules for our betterment.
To begin with, we must realize that adopting the ostrich approach of hiding our head in the sand does not eliminate what we might wish we did not have to deal with.
Emulating the ostrich merely exposes our rear end blindly; it does not stop our butt from being kicked (or worse). The second thing to realize is that everything that happens to us is the result of our own creating, either by having caused it expressly or because we placed ourselves in the context where the event, we have to deal with is allowed to be in our space.
In either case, what we have control over is our free-will choice as to how to deal with a particular event .
Consequently, if our dealings with the legal system have not been successful in accordance with our priorities, it may be in large measure because we have not thought adequately about (and therefore not acted properly concerning) that with which we are interacting.
We must re-evaluate our thinking and change it, and therefore the way we act, accordingly.
In the words of a fellow named Dayle Mahoney: If you continue to think as you always thought, Then you'll continue to get what you always got.
"The pen is mightier than the sword" is an expression indicating that the written word is more effective than violence as a means of social or political change. This sentiment has been expressed with metaphorical contrasts of writing implements and weapons for thousands of years. The specific wording that "the pen is mightier than the sword" was first used by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839.
There are two main tools for setting and maintaining your own law:
1) writing a notice;
2) creating your own court.
Here is a partial list of the topics covered in our documents:
If you want to learn more about taking these steps, we are committed to help you every step of the way.
Universal commercial law is the functional “common law” of the planet and is ingrained in the
Articles and sections of the UCC. The entire “civilized” world—i.e., the cumulative mass of all governments, banks, courts, tax agencies, and corporations—now runs strictly in accordance with the rules of commerce as set forth in the UCC.15
232. Customary International Law is law in the Republic of South Africa, unless it is inconsistent with the Constitution or an Act of Parliament.
233. Application of International Law: When interpreting any legislation, every court must prefer any reasonable interpretation of the legislation that is consistent with International Law over any alternative interpretation that is inconsistent with International Law.
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