1. Get a Certified Copy of the Oath of Office of the Acting Judge / Honorable Judge, Judge that is involved in your case. (if the identity of the judge is unknown at this point), follow up with the Chief Registrar a week before the Court Date. It is her job to provide you with the correct information.
2. Notice of Waiver of Protest.
This document requests the court to waive any fee, fine, cost, or charge the court is looking for. A default position by the court is automatic record of INVOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY if the court dishonors your request (as the living principal and authorized representative for your strawman). Your notice informs them that their dishonor constitutes a waiver of right to protest the matter (or anything connected therewith) henceforth.
3. Notice of Acceptance, Standing, and Status; Request for Remedy.
This pleading-format document instructs the court to discharge all charges and dismiss the case (based upon your acceptance and return for value of the charging instruments and all court documents, along with filing the bond) or, in the alternative, produce the assessment for the charges (whether the charging instrument is a citation, complaint, information, statement, or indictment). (See “Instructions for Executing and Using Employer ID,” B) 3), supra.)
It is an automatic dishonor/forfeit position if the court does not provide the assessment for the charges if you require it. Substantiation of the bona fide nature of the assessment consists of providing the commercial paperwork that reveals the origin, nature, particulars, and legitimacy of the assessment which, to be genuine, must be executed by the responsible party under affidavit sworn true, correct, and complete, with stated commercial liability risked by the responsible party in case he is found to be in error, and swearing to the accuracy, relevance, contractual validity, and verifiability of all allegations made and the exactitude of the sum-certain amount of the assessment.
Failure to “put up or shut up” in this regard signifies the court’s stipulation that it is continuing to entertain prosecution of non-existent charges.
4. Bond (2 options):
a. Single-page bond (on court pleading format). This bond is filed in the court on court-pleading format. Such format renders the document more familiar in appearance (and therefore more easily filed) than trying to file papers that are not in pleading format. Elaboration on the bond, its use, and history of success are discussed hereunder, or;
b. Request for the Appearance Bond.
This document is a court brief that instructs the court to have an appearance bond issued (at no cost to you) in order to underwrite the case and the appearance of your strawman at scheduled court hearings.
The court’s failure to issue the bond allows you to utilize their dishonor/obstruction as a grant of their signature by accommodation to be used in a subrogation surety bond.
You notice the court that you are requesting an appearance bond, backed by your exemption (on the private side), at no cost to you.
Technically the granting by the court of your request discharges all obligations connected with the case, ends the dispute, and makes you the owner of the matter.
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